Sunday 1 July 2007

Back to Blogs !!

After very long time, i am resuming blogging.

I am starting off with something very interesting. I have been thinking for long time about complexities involved in every aspects of our lives, let it be computers, living, technology, relationship etc.

I end my blog with a simple(?) question. how can we simplify our lives?


Anonymous said...

divide complex things into smaller stuff. It is actually simple things. We just percieve as complex.

Ragha said...

hey Nag, thanks for the comment.

I believe the complexity is due to the innumerous wishes/desires we have or develop over time. for example, I say i want this-that, I want to be there etc etc. Sometimes these wishes are created by the influences of society you live in or surrounding people. and we just cant ignore these wishes ! how do we divide these wishes?